Termites can be a big problem for homeowners. There are two types of termites you may need to worry about. Drywood termites live in warmer climates, and they cause damage by eating the wood on your home’s exterior.

Subterranean Termites live in cooler climates, and they get into your house through small cracks or openings around doors, windows, water pipes–even tree roots that have grown up inside your basement walls.

You should call a termite exterminator if you notice any signs of infestation, but it’s important to know which type of termite is causing the damage so you can decide how to best protect yourself from them!

Read this post for more information about drywood vs. subterranean termites:

What are Drywood Termites?

You may not know this, but termites actually have different types. We’re often used to just calling all the different types of termites by one name, but it’s actually a bit more complex. The two main types of termites that live in this part of the world Malaysia are drywood and subterranean termites.

Drywood Termites don’t need to come into contact with soil; they only need moisture to survive. That means they can live almost anywhere, as long as there is enough humidity for them to drink through their skin. They still like living near trees and other plants since they use those things like food sources.

Because they don’t need soil, you’ll find drywood termites infesting homes and other structures. They are crazy for cellulose (a component that’s found in many wood, trees, and plants), so they eat through the material until there is nothing left. You’ll eventually see small piles or pellets of their waste around the infestation site

Some signs indicate drywood termites may have invaded your home, including:

What Does Drywood Termites Look Like?

Drywood termites are most definitely a type of termite you might have heard of before! They look similar to ants you might find around your home, with a brown or reddish tint and a darker abdomen.

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Like ants, they have a narrow waist that separates the thorax from the abdomen. In addition, drywood termites may have large heads and dark-colored pinchers. Their size varies from 1/4- 3/8 inches long, depending on what stage they are in their life cycle.

What Do Drywood Termites Eat?

Drywood termites eat wood. But not just any wood will do! They need softer, wetter wood to survive, so they’ll eat things like:

Cypress wood Painted or varnished wood Wood that is weathered and cracking Wood that is soft and spongy

They’re also known for eating through plywood and other types of particleboard. The damage they cause may be small at first, but they can spread their infestation throughout your home if you don’t get them treated quickly.

These types of termites also eat furniture as long as it’s made of wood. They’ll even eat books, cardboard, and newspapers if they have no other options.

What are Subterranean Termites?

Subterranean termites are the aggressive cousins of drywood termites. They’re actually most active when it’s colder than usual, making them perfect for living in the northern part of the world!

They get their name because they live underground in nests or mounds made out of dirt and mud. These mounds are usually found near water sources like rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, and even drainage systems at your home.

There are a few types of subterranean termite workers: soldier workers, intermediate workers, and nymphs (who lay eggs). The soldiers have large heads compared to their body size–which means they can inflict a lot more damage on wood structures or trees! Their color ranges from pale white to dark red-brown.

In addition, subterranean termites are the culprit behind home and building foundation damages. These critters will build mud tubes to get around, which means they can travel through the ground to invade your basement or crawl space

See also  The Phases of Termite Infestations

Here are some of the signs you might have subterranean termites in your home:

How Does Subterranean Termites Look Like?

Subterranean termites look like tiny white or light brown bugs. They have six legs, antennae on their heads, and straight waistlines that separate the thorax from the abdomen. If you look at them under magnification, you’ll see that their abdomens are shaped like a dome.

Subterranean termites vary in size, but they can often be found at 1/8-1/4 inches long.

What Do Subterranean Termites Eat?

Unlike drywood termites, subterranean termites need moisture to survive–so they live underground and come up when it’s time to look for food! These types of termites are best known for building mud tubes to get around their nests. They tend to avoid open areas where they can be exposed to predators like ants.

Subterranean termites usually eat plants that are found in the soil. However, they will feast on dead plants and wood too.

Subterranean termites attack trees, logs, stumps, and branches–which is why they do a lot of damage to forests and vegetation areas. These types of termites will also eat wooden foundations, so your home is not an exception.

In Conclusion

In this blog post, we have discussed the differences between drywood termites and subterranean termites. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to determine which type of termite you have so that you can call an exterminator for help.

Do any of them happen to be annoying your home right now? If so, do not hesitate to contact us today! Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have about these two types of pesky pests.

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